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Improving sex offender laws to effectively reduce sex crimes, crimes against children, and violent crimes requires a multifaceted approach that balances prevention, rehabilitation, and community safety. By signing, sharing, and advocating for law changes you can make a difference that will save lives and impacts many generations to come. 

🖋️ SIGN    |    🌐 SHARE    |    💬 ADVOCATE    |    🗳️ PARTICIPATE


Out of a heart-wrenching tragedy emerges a call for change, the Knights Law Petition. The Knights Law Petition has been initiated in response to a devastating event: the alleged murder-suicide involving convicted rapist and registered sex offender, Jesse Lee McFadden, in Henryetta, Oklahoma. This incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reform in our sex offender laws and criminal justice system.

Jesse Lee McFadden, who was released early from prison despite serving just 85% of a 20-year sentence for a heinous first-degree rape against a minor, Krystle Dawn Strong, should never have had the opportunity to wreak further havoc. His record included alarming prison infractions, allegations of rape against another inmate and an employee, and a pending case for solicitation of a minor and child pornography against Kaitlyn Lindsay Babb—an alarming history that went unchecked for far too long.

Inexplicably, McFadden was not properly entered into the sex offender registry, survivors were not notified of his release, and required compliance checks were neglected. Tragically, he continued to prey on young girls, exploiting social media to build a network of victims, even stalking and meeting them at local venues. When his second Survivor noticed his TikTok account and began notifying the young girls of his dangerous past a mother reached out to law enforcement all to be told that he wasn't breaking any laws. 

The result was catastrophic. On May 1, 2023, the bodies of seven individuals were discovered on the property rented by Jesse Lee McFadden and his wife. Among the victims were Holly Teannette Lamon McFadden (34), her children Rylee Elizabeth Allen (17), Michael James Mayo (15),  Tiffany Dore Guess (13), Tiffany's best-friend who should have been safe in their community Ivy Berlyn Webster (14), and Brittany Shyanne Brewer (15)The horror deepened as evidence of sexual assault, drug paraphernalia, and disturbing equipment were uncovered.


All of this was 100% preventable and could have been your child, grandchild, sister, brother, friend, or neighbor. We all have to do our part. 

Sign the Petition


Your signature is a powerful endorsement of our call for thoughtful and evidence-based changes to sex offender laws. Show your support for policies that focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and community safety. 

National PetitionSign Now

No matter where you reside, sign this petition to create change at a National level (if you reside in Oklahoma, please sign this one too). 

Oklahoma Petition - Sign Now

If you reside in Oklahoma, please sign this petition for laws impacting Oklahoma residents. Please do not sign this petition if you are not from Oklahoma as it does not count. 

Share the Petition


Out of a heart-wrenching tragedy emerges a call for change, the Knights Law Petition. The Knights Law Petition has been initiated in response to a devastating event: the alleged murder-suicide involving convicted rapist and registered sex offender, Jesse Lee McFadden, in Henryetta, Oklahoma. This incident underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reform in our sex offender laws and criminal justice system.

Jesse Lee McFadden, who was released early from prison despite serving just 85% of a 20-year sentence for a heinous first-degree rape against a minor, Krystle Dawn Strong, should never have had the opportunity to wreak further havoc. His record included alarming prison infractions, allegations of rape against another inmate and an employee, and a pending case for solicitation of a minor and child pornography against Kaitlyn Lindsay Babb—an alarming history that went unchecked for far too long.

Inexplicably, McFadden was not properly entered into the sex offender registry, survivors were not notified of his release, and required compliance checks were neglected. Tragically, he continued to prey on young girls, exploiting social media to build a network of victims, even stalking and meeting them at local venues. When his second Survivor noticed his TikTok account and began notifying the young girls of his dangerous past a mother reached out to law enforcement all to be told that he wasn't breaking any laws. 

The result was catastrophic. On May 1, 2023, the bodies of seven individuals were discovered on the property rented by Jesse Lee McFadden and his wife. Among the victims were Holly Teannette Lamon McFadden (34), her children Rylee Elizabeth Allen (17), Michael James Mayo (15),  Tiffany Dore Guess (13), Tiffany's best-friend who should have been safe in their community Ivy Berlyn Webster (14), and Brittany Shyanne Brewer (15)The horror deepened as evidence of sexual assault, drug paraphernalia, and disturbing equipment were uncovered.

All of this was 100% preventable and could have been your child, grandchild, sister, brother, friend or neighbor. We all have to do our part!

SOCIAL MEDIA POST (SAMPLE) - Feel Free to Copy & Paste

📣 Take Action to Improve Sex Offender Laws and Protect Our Communities!

We have the power to make a difference that will resonate for generations to come. By signing this petition, sharing it on social media, distributing flyers at your workplace, and advocating to your friends and family, you can be a catalyst for positive change.

🖋️ Sign the Petition: Your signature is a powerful endorsement of our call for thoughtful and evidence-based changes to sex offender laws. Show your support for policies that focus on prevention, rehabilitation, and community safety.  All U.S. Residents & Oklahoma Residents - SIGN HERE!  |  Oklahoma Residents ONLY - SIGN HERE!

🌐 Share on Social Media: Use your online platform to spread the word about this important cause. Share informative posts, statistics, and personal stories to spark meaningful discussions. Together, we can create awareness and build momentum for change.

📢 Place Flyers at Your Workplace: Your workplace is a hub of connections and conversations. By placing flyers about our cause, you can engage coworkers and peers in discussions about the importance of improving sex offender laws.

💬 Advocate to Your Network: Your voice matters. Talk to your friends, family, and acquaintances about why this cause is significant. Share your knowledge, the impact on communities, and the potential for positive change through well-informed discussions. Join the Case Facebook Group  |  Join the Petition Facebook Group

🗳️ Participate in Making a Difference: Your actions can drive the conversation, push for reform, and ultimately lead to safer communities. Be a part of the solution by taking the steps outlined above.

Remember, positive change starts with individuals like you. Let's work together to create a safer and more just society. Join us in this movement and make your voice heard for a brighter future.


Thank you for your commitment to a better tomorrow.


Advocate to Your Network


Your voice matters. Talk to your friends, family, and acquaintances about why this cause is significant. Share your knowledge, the impact on communities, and the potential for positive change through well-informed discussions.  Join the Case Facebook Group  |  Join the Petition Facebook Group


Participate in Making a Difference

Your actions can drive the conversation, push for reform, and ultimately lead to safer communities. Be a part of the solution by taking the steps outlined above.

Remember, positive change starts with individuals like you. Let's work together to create a safer and more just society. Join us in this movement and make your voice heard for a brighter future.

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